[LCA2019 Chat] online chat

John Kristensen jkristen at theintraweb.net
Fri Jan 18 20:08:29 AEDT 2019

On 17/1/19 3:49 pm, Brian May wrote:
> Trying to connect to the chat channel, but:
> * Trying to connect using riot (website) gives me the following error:
>    "@appservice-irc:matrix.org kicked Brian May. Reason: IRC error on
>    #linux.conf.au: err_needreggednick"
>    This confuses me as I don't think I had to do anything special before.
>    Doing a google search has suggestions for IRC, not sure that is
>    relevant here???
>    This is when trying to connect to #linux.conf.au:matrix.org
>    Non-LCA channels seem to work fine from matrix.org

The requirement for a registered IRC nick has been a real annoyance for 
Matrix users since a lot of Freenode channels started requiring only 
registered nicks in an attempt to combat spam.

Ideally it would be great if the chan ops could white list users coming 
from the Matrix gateway so that they don't hit these problems. A bit 
more information about configuring this can be found at:


If we are trying to encourage people to use unified communication 
channels, then we really should be trying to make the onboarding process 
as simple as possible... asking people to register IRC nicks and use 
them via Matrix is not simple (I'm fairly experience with both IRC and 
Matrix and I still have to fumble my way through it when something 
breaks). If we can't provide a simple and unified experience, people 
will start asking for a Slack instance to be set up again.


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