[LCA2019 Chat] Outstanding talks feedback

Marc MERLIN marc at merlins.org
Mon Feb 4 03:57:06 AEDT 2019

On Sun, Feb 03, 2019 at 11:59:58PM +1100, Paul Foxworthy wrote:
> https://linux.conf.au/schedule/presentation/146/
> I always enjoy Jonathan's report. This year he spent time on how the
> "contribute upstream" message is starting to sink in at Google and Android.

If I may correct you slightly :)

Gogole has always tried to upstream anything possible in the kernel,
both because it's the right thing to do, and because keeping sets of
patches is painful long term.
They haven't always been accepted, wakelocks being the obvious example,
but overall it's not been a problem.

What has been a problem is
1) binary only drivers from some hardware vendors that are in turn used
in android hardware, and the lack of ABI in linux, in turn causing
android to be stuck with a version of linux and having to backport
patches until that hardware dies.

2) some android vendors who have indeed modified linux on their own and
not tried to upstream anything (Jon gave an example in his talk).

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