[LCA2019 Chat] Headless RPi setup

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Sun Jan 27 19:35:15 AEDT 2019

Quoting "Volker Kuhlmann", who wrote on 2019-01-26 at 22:26 Uhr +1300:
>I haven't powered up mine yet so all this is untried guesswork, but 
>you say you're connecting to one of the micro-USB ports on the RPi. 
>The kernel/getty/etc would possibly need to be told to open 
>a console on this port.

This is indeed true, but before I can do that, the device needs to 
be recognised/created by the kernel. In this case, there seems to be 
a problem with the USB driver, preventing it from creating the 
necessary device, so there is also nothing to pass to the kernel or 

Quoting "Thilina Piyasundara", who wrote on 2019-01-27 at 08:19 Uhr +1300:
>I use [1] to enable serial console over USB and [2] for enable wifi 
>in the PRi. 
>1. [1]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuUyGn-AgGk  

I've got Wifi working. I followed those precise instructions, but 
I keep getting the same error.

And there is no device in lsusb on my laptop. Which leads me to 
believe, unfortunately, that my RPi is actually dysfunctional.

Thanks everyone for their help. Wifi works. That'll have to do.

@martinkrafft | https://riot.im/app/#/room/#madduck:madduck.net
"if you are going to run a rinky-dink distro made by a couple of
 volunteers, why not run a rinky-dink distro made by a lot of
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spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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