[LCA2019 Chat] Keeping the same Linux Conf Wifi password

Marc MERLIN marc at merlins.org
Sat Jan 26 10:29:51 AEDT 2019

On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 07:44:45PM +1300, Brian May wrote:
> Michael Wheeler <lca at mwheeler.org> writes:
> > Is there an alternative hand shake? I'm having trouble multiplying large prime numbers in my head.
> I am not sure it is acceptable conduct to post secret protocol details
> of the secret handshake here on this mailing list.

So, is it crazy to suggest that LCA just keep the same password from
year to year? I propose:
but more seriously, any password, just keep it the same.

Will save all of us to have to change it on all our computers and phones
every year. A fun activity and all, but gets old after 15+ years :)

Yes, I realize that some people will be able to fly across Oz/NZ and get
free wifi for a week without having to register for the conf, and it is
truly terrible, but maybe we can cope? :)

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