[LCA2019 Chat] [ExternalEmail] Re: FYI: Headless Setup for RPI zero using Flower Bonnet.

Peter.Chubb at data61.csiro.au Peter.Chubb at data61.csiro.au
Sat Jan 26 07:23:16 AEDT 2019

>>>>>   <Peter.Chubb at data61.csiro.au> writes:

>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Thomas <xrobau at gmail.com> writes:
Rob> If you haven't done it before, it's very simple to set up.

> In addition, to enable i2c so you can talk to the
> temp/humidity/barometer and lightmeter, uncomment the line

The BME280 also has an in-kernel driver.  TO enable,


to /boot/config.txt and then reboot the pi.

You can then extract temp, pressure, and RH as fixed-point numbers from
/sys/bus/iio/devices/iio:device0/ and do a few other things --- set
oversampling, control power (see the datasheet).

Or you can use libiio in your C code.  (IIO stands for Industrial I/O
and is an in-kernel standard for talking to sensors, actuators, and
the like).

There are in-kernel drivers for the ambient light sensor and OLED
display as well, but the light sensor one is not there `out of the box'.

Enable Device Drivers->Industrial Io->light sensors->TAOS TSL2560
and rebuild your kernel.

The module for the OLED only talks I2C, so will need modifying to use
the SPI connected one on the Bonnet.

Peter C

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