[LCA2019 Chat] Any interest in a Rust BoF?

James Lee jbit at jbit.net
Thu Jan 24 10:51:56 AEDT 2019


There are a bunch of talks about rust at the con, and there seems to be a
bunch of interest too.

Would anybody be interested in a rust BoF?
It might be a good chance for new people to figure out how to get started,
interested parties to learn why everybody is talking about this new
language, experience users to swap war stories and just for knowing who's
out there using it on this side of the planet.

I have no idea how to setup a BoF, so there's no time/date/room but if
there's interest I'm sure we can make it happen.

https://2019.linux.conf.au/wiki/Rust_BoF I made a wiki page here, if you're
interested please either reply here or update the wiki.


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