[LCA2019 Chat] Lightning talks

martin f krafft madduck at madduck.net
Fri Jan 18 07:39:37 AEDT 2019

also sprach Simon Lyall <simon at darkmere.gen.nz> [2019-01-18 08:18 +1300]:
>Lessons could perhaps be learnt from the signups for the Hardware

I think the main issue is that there's always *too many* proposals.
It's been great to see the team last year switch from
first-come-first-picked to a curated process. Opening the
submissions for that even earlier will just put extra burden on them
to select the few lightning talks we can have. I think there is
definitely value in requiring people to physically submit a piece of
paper (= effort) at the right time (= need to pay attention) as
a means to pre-filter the submissions to just the set of people who
really want to speak, rather than just those who are just quick to 
put their name down for everything.

@martinkrafft | https://riot.im/app/#/room/#madduck:madduck.net
heisenberg may have been here.
spamtraps: madduck.bogus at madduck.net
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