[LCA2019 Chat] online chat

Brian May brian at linuxpenguins.xyz
Thu Jan 17 15:49:01 AEDT 2019

Trying to connect to the chat channel, but:

* on UCVisitor network, accessing IRC on chat.freenode.net appears to be

* Trying to connect using riot (website) gives me the following error:
  "@appservice-irc:matrix.org kicked Brian May. Reason: IRC error on
  #linux.conf.au: err_needreggednick"
  This confuses me as I don't think I had to do anything special before.
  Doing a google search has suggestions for IRC, not sure that is
  relevant here???

  This is when trying to connect to #linux.conf.au:matrix.org

  Non-LCA channels seem to work fine from matrix.org
* I see a linuxconfau network - is this official? If so need password to
Brian May <brian at linuxpenguins.xyz>

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