[LCA2019 Chat] [Brian May] Bus from airport

Paul Gear linuxconf at libertysys.com.au
Mon Jan 14 09:26:54 AEDT 2019

On 14/1/19 8:19 am, Eion Robb wrote:
> As a Kiwi, can confirm.  Credit cards can be optional depending on
> where you go, but it's normally a smaller store (like a corner
> store/dairy) that won't support credit cards.

... where "dairy" has the NZ meaning: "place where milk is sold" rather
than the Australian meaning of "place where milk is extracted from
cows".  A couple of NZ expats who attended the residential college I
attended in Tasmania (which had a working dairy farm) were once sent to
the dairy to get the milk, and the cook wondered why they took so long,
and came back with no milk.  :-)

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