[LCA2019 Chat] Developer Developer Miniconf CFP is still open!

Christopher Neugebauer chrisjrn at chrisjrn.com
Thu Jan 3 10:49:59 AEDT 2019

Hi All,

Since response has been slow this year, we've kept the CFP for the
Developer Developer Miniconf open for another couple of weeks.

If you're coming to LCA and you've got something to say about
development with Open Source tools, we'd love to hear from you!

This year, as well as exploring the latest in open source languages,
we're looking for talks that discuss aspects including:

- Development methodologies, including software testing and release
- DevOps tools, techniques, and software deployment strategies
- Documentation tools
- Software Architecture techniques
- Usability and interface design

This year, we're looking for 20-minute talks. If you want to submit
something, head over to linux.conf.au/dashboard, and follow the
instructions to submit a Developer Miniconf talk.

See you all at LCA!


--Christopher Neugebauer

Jabber: chrisjrn at gmail.com -- IRC: chrisjrn on irc.freenode.net --
WWW: http://chrisjrn.com -- Twitter: @chrisjrn

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