[LCA2019 Chat] FYI: Headless Setup for RPI zero using Flower Bonnet.

Rob Thomas xrobau at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 06:58:20 AEDT 2019

If you were smart enough to grab a Flower Bonnet for your RPI while they
were available (they may still have some left, speak to the people on the
desk?), you now have a console port on your RPi!

If you haven't done it before, it's very simple to set up.

1. Edit the file 'config.txt' on the BOOT volume and add the following line:


That disables the bluetooth and enables the console serial port.

2. Create an empty file called 'ssh' (so it enables sshd on boot)

3. Create the file wpa_supplicant.conf containing the following:

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Obviously, changing the psk line to be the super-secret wifi secret.

Plug in the USB port on the bonnet to your PC. If you're using Windows,
you'll need to install the drivers from

As it boots, it will connect to WiFi, and will display the IP address on
the console as it starts.


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