[LCA2019 Chat] Unprofessional Delegates Networking Session (is not happening)

Adam Harvey adam at adamharvey.name
Tue Jan 22 12:49:21 AEDT 2019

Good morning* freedom lovers!

The Unprofessional Delegates Networking Session organisers are pleased
to announce that there will not be an UnPDNS this year.

Wait, not pleased. The other one.

Basically, the venues that would be viable on campus are closed for
the holidays, and Christchurch City Council instituted new rules in
December that would expect unreasonable levels of professionalism from
us to run an event in a park like we normally do.**

We are very sorry for this lapse in unprofessionalism, and hope to
look at the mantle again next year, kind of shrug, and maybe organise
something in the least professional way possible.


Adam and Chris

* $TZ may vary.
** Well, without being arrested, anyway, and we're too pretty for jail.

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