[LCA2019 Chat] possible BOF session, storing genders in databases

Daniel Sobey dns at dns.id.au
Tue Jan 22 10:27:37 AEDT 2019

Hello List,

The project i'm involved in is musicbrainz.org as an editor.
Musicbrainz is a database of Artists, Releases and recordings etc.
The data is openly licensed and there is a public api.

One thing that has come up in our community is we currently have 4 options
for gender: Male, Female, Other, and Not Applicable.
Members of our community have pointed that is not enough options so we are
discussing what to do next.
If people have advice on what other groups and organisations are doing and
if there is someone that we can look to as a reference.

I would like to meet up with people for Lunch, dinner or for $BEVERAGE over
the next few days.
Please email me off list, ping me on twitte @nerdsniping or sip extension
If there is interest I'd like to organise a bof sesion during lunch on


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