[LCA2019 Chat] temperature in the conference

Ewen McNeill lca2019 at ewen.mcneill.gen.nz
Mon Jan 14 11:06:39 AEDT 2019

On 2019-01-14 12:50, Hugh Blemings wrote:
> Looking at this data I must say the forecast for the week of the 
> conference does look most pleasant indeed.

I'd suggest not getting *too* attached to the forecast a week in 
advance.... New Zealand forecasts tend to have a half life of a day or 
two at most.  It might well be blue skies and mild climes next week, or 
it might be reasonably warm, or it might be rather chilly, or it might 
be all of those things in one week -- or one day.

One of the challenges of being relatively small islands, getting most of 
our weather over the sea, is both that it can change more rapidly than 
on large continents, and also there's less data collected from 
surrounding areas (oceans!) making prediction even more difficult.

In general I'll *mostly* trust a forecast in New Zealand for the actual 
day, and assume "we'll have some weather like that some of the time 
soonish" for a forecast for the next few days.  But as it probably shows 
my faith in weather forecasts for New Zealand a week in advance is... lower.

I'd suggest packing clothes to suit a variety of weather in the 10C-30C 
(night/day) range, and keeping options close at hand :-)


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