[LCA2019 Chat] temperature in the conference

Ewen McNeill lca2019 at ewen.mcneill.gen.nz
Mon Jan 14 07:49:43 AEDT 2019

On 2019-01-14 02:21, Russell Coker wrote:
> Some LCAs have been held on an outdoors based campus where you have to walk
> around outside between lectures.  Some have been held mostly indoors, there
> was one in Tasmania where we hardly saw the sun from 9-5.

I believe LCA2019 is being held mainly in two buildings at the 
University of Canterbury: Central Lecture Theatres, and North Arts.


shows what looks like a short outdoor walk between them, as well as an 
outdoor lawn in between should one have a chance to sit in the sun.  So 
depending on your choice of schedule, and the weather, there should be 
opportunities to see the sun.

For clothing planning purposes, I'd suggest thinking of New Zealand as 
Tasmania -- a relatively isolated (set of) islands, with not much 
between it and Antarctica.  In summer, with no wind / wind from the 
north, it can be reasonable warm (20-30C), but not "Australia hot".  In 
summer, with wind from the south, it can be relatively cool (eg, 
12-15C).  And it can change in a matter of hours.  I've just put a 
heater on here in Wellington (13C currently), and Christchurch looks 
even cooler today (11C currently).  (A couple of days ago I was trying 
to air the house out to cool it down...)

If you're the sort of person who happily wears shorts in winter (I have 
some friends like that...) you'll be fine.  If not, you might want to 
pack a change of clothes with options for cooler weather, as well as 
shorts/t-shirts.  (And it looks like overnight lows are around 10-15C on 
the current long range forecast.)


PS: So far it's seeming a relatively wet summer, so packing a rain 
jacket is probably a good idea too.

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